Agenda Item 44


Brighton and Hove City Council



Adoption of the Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan

Date of Meeting:

26 September 2019

Report of:

Executive Director, Economy Environment and Culture

Contact Officer:


Penny Jennings


01273 29 10 65




Wards Affected:



                        For general release


Action Required of the Policy & Resources Committee:


2.1         Notes the responses to the consultation on the main modifications to the JAAP and the contents of the Inspector’s Report with her conclusion that the JAAP is legally compliant and ‘sound’;


2.2         Recommends to Council that the JAAP be adopted, incorporating the main modifications and minor modifications, as part of the Development Plan for the City, subject to the Head of Planning agreeing any further minor non-material changes to the text with Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council;


2.3         Recommends to Council that the currently adopted west area Policies Map be revised to additionally display policies contained within the JAAP; and


2.4         Recommends to Council that the Development Brief for South Portslade Industrial Estate & Aldrington Basin be revoked.






Brighton & Hove City Council






Council chamber, hove town hall



Present: Councillor Robins (Chair), Grimshaw (Deputy Chair), Rainey (Opposition Spokesperson), Nemeth (Group Spokesperson), Childs, Ebel, Evans, Mears, Powell and Simson









11.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy Environment and Culture the purpose of which was to inform the Tourism, Equality, Communities & Culture Committee (TECC), Policy, Resources & Growth Committee and Council of the outcome of the Public Examination of the Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) and sought approval for the formal adoption of the Plan by Council.


11.2      It was explained that the JAAP provided a 15 year plan for the comprehensive regeneration of Shoreham Harbour and focussed on four key development areas: Aldrington Basin, South Portslade (in Brighton & Hove), and Southwick Waterfront and Western Harbour Arm (in Adur/West Sussex). Overall these areas were expected to deliver 1,400 new homes, 23,500sqm of new employment space, a consolidated port, improved flood defences, transport infrastructure, public spaces and community and leisure facilities. It has been prepared by the Shoreham Harbour Regeneration Partnership, which comprises Brighton & Hove City Council, Adur District Council, West Sussex County Council and the Shoreham Port Authority. If adopted by Council, Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council, would become part of the city’s statutory development plan and would be used to determine planning applications within the Plan area.

11.3      Councillor Ebel asked whether the JAAP’s requirements to avoid unnecessary damage to biodiversity and habitats “where possible” was needlessly ambiguous. It was explained that the authorities had worked closely with environmental bodies such as the Environment Agency and Sussex Wildlife Trust to seek to ensure that the highest possible standards were achieved and were assured for the future. It was recognised that on rare occasions the JAAP’s development proposals would cause unavoidable negative impacts on habitats and when that would be the case the planning case officer would take a view and the application would need to be determined by the relevant planning authority(s).


11.4    Councillor Mears welcomed the report stating that she was aware that a lot of work had gone into preparing the JAAP over time commending the work by officers which had brought it to this stage.


11.5      Councillor Nemeth referred to the concerns expressed by residents of his ward who had sought to impose restrictions on building heights, this had not been achieved, but aside from his concerns about that he was pleased with the form the JAAP had taken and that the Shoreham Port Authority had been a willing partner in the discussions which had taken place. Councillor Nemeth also referred to proposed works to the former gasworks site the enquiring regarding any assessments which had been made regarding seepage of gas from the site, potential pollution etc., it was confirmed that this had been evaluated and that data in respect of this was available.


11.6      Councillor Powell also commended the report but sought confirmation that stringent measures would be in place to protect wildlife and ecology as far as it was practicable to do so and how. Reference had made to newts, common lizards and slow worms. It was explained that new habitats would be required to be created in order to offset any loss and clear monitoring indicators formed part of the Plan. An annual monitoring report would be provided which would report how the Plan’s policies were being applied, including ecological assessments.


11.7    The Committee then moved to the vote.


11.8    RESOLVED BY Tourism, Equality, Communities & Culture Committee:


RESOLVED – (1) That Committee notes the responses received to the consultation on the main modifications to the Shoreham Harbour Joint Area Action Plan (JAAP) and the contents of the Inspector’s Report and her conclusion that the JAAP is legally compliant and ‘sound’:




(2) That the Tourism, Equalities, Communities and Culture Committee recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that the JAAP be adopted, incorporating the main modifications and minor modifications, as part of the Development Plan for the City, subject to the Head of Planning agreeing any further minor non-material changes to the text with Adur District Council and West Sussex County Council;


(3) Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that the currently adopted west area Policies Map be revised to additionally display policies contained within the JAAP; and


(4) Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee that the Development Brief for South Portslade Industrial Estate & Aldrington Basin be revoked.